Thursday, July 30, 2015

Rosacea Patient Tips

My desire is to help Rosacea patients live like normal again.  I want to inform their family members on how to live their lives just like everyone else.  They should not have to hide away because of their condition.  I've provided information on what Rosacea is, Rosacea treatments, doctor visits, and tips for family members of Rosacea patients.  Now, I want to give Rosacea patients some tips from other Rosacea patients that they have found helpful living with their condition.

One tip that works for a Rosacea patient is using green tea ice cubes.  This patient says that rubbing an ice cube of green tea on their face helps clear up redness.  Other patients suggest sleeping with a fan on them or carrying a portable fan wherever they go.  For food related triggers, patients suggest avoiding wheat, reducing sugar, and drinking beer as it acts as an anti-inflammatory.  Some other suggestions to try on the face are coconut oil, salt water, and lemon juice.  Patients suggest using estrogen therapy as their estrogen dropped due to menopause and caused their Rosacea to flare up (National Rosacea Society, 2015).  Three tips from the American Academy of Dermatology suggests patients see a dermatologist, learn what triggers one's Rosacea, and follow a Rosacea skin-care plan. I've provided a video below of the do's and don'ts for Rosacea patients (AAD, 2015).

I hope all of these tips help Rosacea patients feel like they can live like normal again.  Rosacea should not take control over the patient, the patient should take control over their Rosacea.


American Academy of Dermatology.  (2015). Rosacea: Tips for Managing.  Retrieved from

National Rosacea Society.  (2015).  It Works for Me: Patient Tips.  Retrieved from

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