Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Recommendations for Family Members of Patients

Previously, we discussed what Rosacea is, what the treatments are for it, and what to do at the doctor's appointment for a Rosacea patient.  Now, we'll discuss the recommendations for family members of patients suffering from Rosacea.

If you are a family member of a patient suffering from Rosacea, know all the factors that cause Rosacea to flare up (MayoClinicStaff, 2013).  You can use my previous post as a reference for different factors that can irritate the skin of Rosacea patients.  After knowing these factors, be mindful of places to invite your family member suffering from Rosacea.  If inviting the patient to go swimming, know that sun exposure can irritate their skin so try to find a pool with a lot of shade or opt for an inside swimming pool.  When giving gifts, don't buy products for the patient that can irritate their skin.  These products have fragrances in them or are not labeled "sensitive skin" (National Rosacea Society, 2015). Stress can also irritate the patient's skin, so help your loved one by eliminating any and all stress that they may have.  Also, patients suffering from Rosacea can be embarrassed about their skin, so compliment them and encourage them to get out more.  Let them know that patients should not have to hide because of their skin.  They need to enjoy life.  If one has difficulty trying to make the symptoms of Rosacea go away, one can try covering up the face (Suszynkie, 2010).  I've provided a video below of a great make-up routine for people who have a lot to cover up on the face.

(Video taken from https://youtu.be/ex33wtqnNz8)

Rosacea can be troublesome for many patients. However, with a great support system, patients can overcome the emotional stress that comes along with the disease.  Family members are vital in the treatment process for Rosacea patients. 


Mayo clinic staff.  (2013, Aug 17).  Lifestyle and Home Remedies. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rosacea/basics/lifestyle-home-remedies/con-20014478

National Rosacea Society.  (2015).  Factors That May Trigger Rosacea Flare-ups.  Retrieved from http://www.rosacea.org/patients/materials/triggers.php.  

Suszynkie, Marie.  (2010, Feb 25).  Don't Let Rosacea Damage Your Self-Esteem.  Retrieved from http://www.everydayhealth.com/rosacea/rosacea-and-emotional-health.aspx.

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